Mildred Pierce Graphic design on-set for HBO's miniseries directed by Todd Haynes. Set in 1930's California, we transformed real-life Manhattan into period-accurate Los Angeles and Laguna Beach locations to Emmy award-winning results.
Diner window signage
Period vinyl signage to transform contemporary Manhattan into 1930's Los Angeles
Custom period street signage of various store fronts and street advertisements
120 foot backdrop design that meticulously transformed winter Long Island photos into a summer Pasadena
Backdrop as seen through window
Select prop designs featured throughout series
Local periodical listing design with historical aging of photograph
Realty listing pamphlet cover
Realty listing pamphlet inside
Fictional cigarette design
Opera program design, with 1930's period photograph and typographic style treatment
Opera program design
Pre-visualization of opera stage, based on 1936 fair poster